My thoughts on PC gaming and highlights to my personal blog.
Only one shall survive!
Published on October 14, 2008 By fragieD In PC Gaming

I'm torn between the two and can't make up my mind on which to get.   So which will it be for you? Only one can survive! Farcry 2 or Left 4 Dead?

Your opinions please

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 22, 2008

DRM never works as intended.  If I were the companies that made the games, I'd be suing Sony over Securom not doing anything but pissing off my customers.  Two different people I know are playing Far Cry 2 - one on the Xbox360 and one on the PC - and I'll give you a hint - their version doesn't cause them any problems, because they don't have DRM on them.

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